Posted on 30/06/2007 at 21:31

1957 - 2007 : The unveiling...

I already told you about this extraordinary story of a Plymouth Belvédère, buried in Tulsa (Oklahoma), in 1957...
Here it is, she's been unearthed. And... Well, pictures will tell more than words.

First observation : in 50 years, we've done a lot of progress regarding insulation ; the concrete coffin got filled up by water, everything's rusted... And the fake enthusiasm of Boyd Coddington (by the way, have a look at American Hot-Rod), co-presenter of the televised party organized for the car's unveiling, won't be enough to forget the sour deception of all vintage cars enthusiasts worldwide...

Wanna know more? :
Unfortunately, I could have guessed it folks...
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Posted on 28/05/2007 at 14:52

Guèpe Upholstery

Here is a link to a blog I visit on a daily basis... You may have already found the link to it in the left column : it's Jérome "La Guêpe" Gomez's blog (nb: "La Guèpe" means "The Wasp" in French, 'cause of his needles...).
He already impressed a lot of people over the Internet forums, like on the mICROCOSME Project, or on Soldeli's Karmann-Ghia.

Real competent craftsmen are uneasy to find ; those who have the passion, who share it, and show the way they work, are extremely rare... So, make sure you keep this address, and have a look at this website...

Waiting for the day I'll send you my KG's bucket seats, La Guêpe...
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Posted on 25/05/2007 at 14:07

Buried Plymouth Belvedere...

June 15th 1957, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
To celebrate the town's 50th anniversary, a brand new Plymouth Belvedere V8 Coupé Sport has been buried (!) in a concrete sarcophagus... The final goal being to unearth it 50 years later, right in time to celebrate the city's Centennial Anniversary!

That's how this car will be awaken from it's half-century sleep on next June 15th, i.e. in less than 3 weeks!

No one knows in which shape it will be... Everything had been done to keep it safe, but 50 years six feet under...
The Plymouth had been buried with many objects representing this era ; they even put a gasoline tank, just in case fuel had disappeared in 2007! (anyway, after 50 years, the Octane index will be so low, it won't even be usable!).

A contest had been set up : the population was asked for to guess the number of inhabitants of Tulsa in 2007. Their guesses were sealed on microfilm in the car... When it will be unearthed, their estimations will be compared to the actual figures, and the one who made the best guess will win the car! (uh, well, if he's still alive...)

So, rendezvous in three weeks from now, to know the final episode of this nice story...

For more information :
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Posted on 25/05/2007 at 12:57

Cannes' Festival

The 60th Movies' Festival of Cannes currently takes place just a few kilometers from where I live (well, to me it's more the Annual Botox, Silicon and Cocaïn Festival)...

Usualy, I keep myself far from those places... But a very good friend of mine, working for a certain company that's worth it, proposed a night party paid by the same company... I couldn't miss such an occasion!
So, here is a picture I took from the top of famous palace of the Croisette... Enjoy it, having access to such a terrace, that won't be happening again in a hurry!icone smiley wink
Thks for the party Flow!
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Posted on 17/05/2007 at 21:18

I'm originally not that fond of Harleys, apart from some rare exceptions...

And here is one of those exceptions, and not the least : Fred "Krugger" Bertrand (looks like his site is down currently), in Belgium, prepares HD/Buell based monsters, from which I love the neo-retro, or even fully vintage (yet high-tech!), style...
Go have a look at his gallery, especially his latest realization, a "Bonneville Lakester" monster, a pure engineering marvel...

By the way, yet another feature, for the excellent French magazine "Kustom Garage", which uses as a cover the latest creation from Krugger. Great lay-out, superb pictures, very well-written... If you've got any chance to read it, don't miss it!
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