Posted on 10/05/2007 at 21:55


Yeah, yeah, I know, I should grow up a little bit... And guess what, you see here only a small part of my collection...
Anyway, an hibiscus'd Hawaiian shirt, a coconut and Elvis as musical background, I can't resist : Lilo and Stitch is a reference to me, I saw it tenth of times! Plus, they look very decorative to me those Stitch, on my rack... icone smiley laugh
Finally a Walt Disney without any crappy music to hurt your ears : the King sounds way better...
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Posted on 25/04/2007 at 12:43

Modern Mechanix

Just a link today, to a blog that I visit quite often : Modern Mechanix.

This blog, updated daily, presents "futuristic innovations" of the past century, scanned out of magazines like Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Mechanix Illustrated... You can find there jewels like the car above, and they're available in hi-resolution!

Thx aSa for the link...
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Posted on 24/04/2007 at 12:08


I'm fond of comics books for a pretty long time now... We can find many cartoonists over the Internet, more or less talented... I follow Maliki on a regular basis, as well as the Lemur and Yoh, I like the Geek-ish under-culture of Megatokyo, I'm fan of the Arthur de Pins' style...

But I've found way better : Lackadaisy.

The action takes place in the US, in St Louis, in the 20's, during the prohibition. The scenario is good, there's a lot of references to the interwar years style, omnipresent humor, I love the Cajun accent of some characters... But moreover, bloody great drawings! Backgrounds and characters (have a closer look to faces' expressions), everything's just superb...
Looks a bit like BlackSad, but less dark.
Anyway, Lackadaisy, a pure marvel to discover. And read it from the beginning!
Great job, Tracy.
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Posted on 29/03/2007 at 01:22

Opera of Toulon

March 23rd 2007, a few pictures stolen at the superb Opera of Toulon (said to be one of the best acoustics in France), from the Paradis, during the second entr'acte of Turandot (Puccini).
Yeah, I know, this is pretty far from the usual mechanics and DIY stuff on ShamWerks... Don't click away, you're not on Arte...icone smiley laugh
That's a pity, I forgot to take a picture of the view over the railings : more than 4 floors above the scene... Being scared of heights? Don't even get there...
I really wonder how such a place can meet the security standards...
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Posted on 25/03/2007 at 16:58


How to decorate an elevator in a luxury hotel, with a 12.5 millions euros budget?

Here is the solution found by the Radisson in Berlin : a cylindric aquarium of 900.000 liters (i.e. 900 tons of salt water!), 11 meters diameter for 14 meters high (25 m. total with its bottom support), with 2.600 fishes of 56 different species inside, the elevator going up in the center of this cylinder. Two divers are employed full time to take care of the tank...

The walls are not made of glass, but of acrylic : the inner cylinder (the elevator cage) was brought on site as a single piece ; the outer wall was brought in four parts, chemically welded on site, without any trace of "welding" being visible. A bloody nice piece of engineering...

Want to learn more about the Aquadom and its construction? (impressive pictures inside!) :
Thanks Oliv' for the info...
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