Posted on 19/06/2007 at 00:44


Here we are, 5000 more visits, ShamWerks goes though the 45.000 hits boundary!
Many, many thanks to you all for your comments, advices, congrats...

As the tradition wants, here is the usual pin-up to celebrate the event... But to be real sure not to give you a pinup you've already seen on 15 blogs, I draw it myself... icone smiley wink

Some of you noticed that my blog was less often updated than some others over the Internet... That's right. And this is probably the reason why I don't have that many visits, compared to some super-star blogs that have as many hits in one single week, as myself in years...icone smiley laugh
But I still prefer prepared articles wih a real, serious, original content, with some logic and text... Instead of just throwing a picture probably stolen from another site... icone smiley wink

See you in two month from now for the next big boundary stone... I'll have to find something phat to celebrate this one!

Thanks again to you all, see you back soon!
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Posted on 05/05/2007 at 01:05

Site map...

Just a quick news...

In order to help you finding your way in the structure of this site (which starts getting big!), or to find back an article more easily, I've just put online a site map, which you can reach by clicking the banner above, or the "site map" link in the left menu.
At the same time, the tooltip bubbles turn a little bit "sexier"... You lucky guys. icone smiley laugh

This bloody recursive function has been a nightmare to tidy up... My neurons are still warm from this exercise...
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Posted on 13/04/2007 at 01:10

40.000 visitors!

And voila, ShamWerks reached the 40.000 visits! (and Sham the 32 years!)

Therefore, here is the traditional pin-up, this time out of the pencil of Gil Elvgren (by far my favorite pin-up drawer). Next one in 5000 hits from now...

The number of daily visits on ShamWerks is pretty stable, between 50 and 80 visitors... From which a large majority of regular readers (contact me to get your Frequent Flyer card, you'll get miles!), mainly in France, but as well more and more from the USA... Plus some regular islanders, either from French Antillas, Polynesia, or Reunion!
Many thanks to all of you, for your comments, advices, help, support... Thanks! icone smiley wink

Soon some more news on ShamWerks... I'm preparing a "Fifties Deco" section for the newt few days (Teddy, you'll like it!)... But as well, the Mini 181 will re-start its building process, some news about the Ghia, some Vintage stuff, and even some R/C modeling!

Thank you for flying ShamWerks Airlines... The seat belts fasten, adjust and unfasten this way... Emergency exits are at front, rear, and middle of the site...
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Posted on 06/02/2007 at 16:34

35.000 : ShamWerks goes bilingual (again)!

Voila, we've reached the 35.000 visits... Oh, talking about that : you'll get the traditionnal pin-up every 5.000 hits only from now, unless there will soon be more pin-ups than real content on this bloody site! icone smiley wink

The previous version of this site was available both in French and in English, and as ShamWerks has a lot of visits from english-speaking people...

It was more than important that ShamWerks becomes accessible in English again!

So, in order to celebrate those 35.000 hits, and using the little flags in the left column, you can switch the language for all of the articles on this site! (Well, actually, if you're reading that, you already know!)
The articles in the Photo section are not yet all translated, but it's a matter of hours... By the way, my English is not that perfect, do not hesitate to drop me a line if some translations are too bad...

The RSS feed, as well, is from now on available in French and in English!

There were fewer updates those last days : I've spent a lot of time translating the site, and at least as much time at my workbench preparing the future articles!

Many thanks for your fidelity : statistics show that more than one third of the visitors are regular ones... See you back soon!
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Posted on 02/01/2007 at 13:50

Happy new year 2007!

Here it is, one more year is over... I wish a very Happy New year to all of you!

On my side, I'm pretty happy this year is over, a lot of bad things happened... But that's over!
Let's use this brand new year as a new start, making sure we keep otimistic!

The picture above is a photograph taken on September 15th by the Cassini-uygens probe... Actually, this is a mosaic of 165 pictures, taken over a 3 hours period, while the probe was in Saturn's shadow. So we can see, for the very first time, the ringed giant in back-light! (click the picture to see it full res... And to learn more, follow this link.)

Why such a picture to celebrate the beginning of the new year?
Have an accurate look on the left, near the first blurry ring, there's a bright spot... This is the Earth, as seen more than a billion kilometers away, which the probe left 9 years ago.

In one hand, it gives a giddiness feeling... In the other hand, it's a tremendous help relativizing our poor, small everyday concerns, isn't it? icone smiley wink
Everything's relative would say Albert... Enjoy this new year, don't let small issues demoralize you...

Once more, Happy New Year 2007 to all of you...
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