Posted on 01/06/2014 at 21:28


I've just figured that I had not published this post... icone smiley laugh
So very, very, very late indeed, here's a few pictures from my 3rd trip to NYC... Enjoy! icone smiley wink
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Posted on 30/01/2009 at 02:10

Monaco Top Marques 2008

I know, I know, I'm running very late with this article...
I already gave you an article about this event in 2007... I went back there in 2008, so here goes nothing, a few pictures from the Monaco Top Marques Show! (thanks Piet for the VIP Pass!)

Not as many pictures this time since many cars present this time were already there last year...

This is quite a funny place actually, where the most classy things rest side to side with exceptionnal examples of bad taste. (see this stolen picture for example)... icone smiley wink
Anyway, once again, here be some very desirable vehicles. I gotta admit I'd gladly make that white SLR Brabus blanche my daily driver...
Oh, and look, nothing happens by chance : a MotoArt, stand is here, I just told you about them a while ago : I manage to get their beautiful paper catalogue... icone smiley wink
would you like to know more? :
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Posted on 24/10/2008 at 03:45


Short trip to New York... From September 20th to October 2nd, 12 days of pure happiness, lots of hiking, trying to avoid as much as possible the usual tourists' places...
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Posted on 12/10/2007 at 13:34

Monaco Yacht Show 2007

From September 19th to 22nd, took place the 17th Monaco Yacht Show... I had to be there for professional reasons, so that was a good occasion to get some pictures of the most extravagant stuff in the world in terms of snazzy luxury!

I'll spare you the golden washbasins, the diamonds-mounted taps, the jacuzzi covered with crocodile leather (all of this is true!)... But here are anyway a few pictures to be classified under "unreachable dreams". As well as the hostesses present on all the stands, indeed. icone smiley wink
Unfortunately, I couldn't bring back pictures of the boats' interiors... For the good reason that to get onboard, you've got to "provide your details", i.e. have a 7 digits bank account balance... icone smiley laugh

And finally... Do all that really make me dream?...
Some more links for the most curious of you all:
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Posted on 17/05/2007 at 20:21

Bye bye Leone...

OK, you're allowed to laugh at me if you want, but here is a news that sadden me...
The disappearance of Leone, a 2m60 female lemon shark, which was a regular visitor of shark feeding sessions in Moorea for the past 15 years.
It was a beautiful animal, very calm (well, kids, don't try this at home, Nico on the video know very well sharkies, for years...), with a very sharp smile icone smiley wink, that I met several times... What a feeling the first time I met her, when it crushed a frozen tuna fish head just a few centimeters above my mask, with that loud sound I'll never forget...

Yep, I had some kind of tenderness for this beast. Bye bye Leone...
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