Posted on 26/12/2007 at 00:15


Thanks Santa... You costed me a kidney or so, but I'm just fan of your look, my fridge! (click picture to enlarge)

That was a must-have to match my fifties/sixties decoration...

Well, must say, I'll have to eat pasta only for a while now...icone smiley laugh
Posted in : Fifties Stuff
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Posted on 31/05/2007 at 23:51

Fifties Fan...

Continuing over the "Fifties Deco" theme, here is one of my favorite objects ever, found on eBay (as usual...), for around 20 euros, and which is now my master piece on my bookshelf...

This is a Calor fan, probably built late 50's, early 60's. The propeller is chrome plated, without the mere rust spot : things were built to last by that time... The leg is made of marbled Bakelite...
So, more or less, here is a pure incarnation of what I love in the production of this era! icone smiley laugh

If you like it, do a search on eBay, I see pretty often this kind of items, at very affordable prices...

And guess what, the icing on the cake? It works perfectly under 220VAC, and it's absolutely silent... So, despite its highly respectable age, I use it every summer! icone smiley wink

Click on the picture to see full sized...

Edit 15/03/2016 : Romain, who's a ShamWerks reader, indicated that this fan date probably from the 30's, most probably before 1937 as Calor started to date its devices from then on. By that time the whole network was running 110V (with few exceptions). By the end of the 60's one could give his devices to EDF (that which from Electricité De France) to get them converted to 220V (they would then received a small sticker showing the conversion).
Thanks a lot Romain for these informations!
Posted in : Fifties Stuff
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Posted on 10/05/2007 at 02:03

Moulinex Sixties

Let's give back to Caesar what belongs to him : it's my girlfriend who found this beauty... Her GrandMother's sixties meat grinder, shamefully abandoned for years in a closet... I know, I've got a weird sense of beauty, but I love this object... icone smiley laugh
Posted in : Fifties Stuff
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Posted on 10/05/2007 at 01:01


I told you recently about that... Here is a first article of a new section : Fifties Stuff!

You probably noticed (if not, please see an ophthalmologist) that I'm a true Fifties-Sixties/ streamline design enthusiast. As time goes, my collection grows, and now I've got a pretty nice collection of vintage object decorating my interior... Some ideas you might find useful, if you like this style as well!

So, to start, here is a pair of Ice-O-Mat, ice crusher devices : you just put ice cubes in the top compartment, turn the handle, and voila ; clockwise to make fine ice, counter clockwise to make coarse ice ("F" and "C" are written above the handle).
Not only this helps you making the best Mojito you've ever drink, but their look is so vintage! And guess what, you can find them at very affordable prices on eBay US. The standard models are pretty usual to find, while the "luxe" ones (chrome platted, like mines) are less easy to find. But patience helps...
At last, they ll are equipped with a wall mount : ideal in a kitchen, right? icone smiley wink

Funny detail, marvel of the all-on-the-internet : on each of the ice crushers, there's a US patent number ; by giving those references to Google Patents, we find back the original technical drawings! I'm a real Chrome-Adict... I can't take my eyes off of these...
Posted in : Fifties Stuff
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