Posted on 10/05/2007 at 01:01


I told you recently about that... Here is a first article of a new section : Fifties Stuff!

You probably noticed (if not, please see an ophthalmologist) that I'm a true Fifties-Sixties/ streamline design enthusiast. As time goes, my collection grows, and now I've got a pretty nice collection of vintage object decorating my interior... Some ideas you might find useful, if you like this style as well!

So, to start, here is a pair of Ice-O-Mat, ice crusher devices : you just put ice cubes in the top compartment, turn the handle, and voila ; clockwise to make fine ice, counter clockwise to make coarse ice ("F" and "C" are written above the handle).
Not only this helps you making the best Mojito you've ever drink, but their look is so vintage! And guess what, you can find them at very affordable prices on eBay US. The standard models are pretty usual to find, while the "luxe" ones (chrome platted, like mines) are less easy to find. But patience helps...
At last, they ll are equipped with a wall mount : ideal in a kitchen, right? icone smiley wink

Funny detail, marvel of the all-on-the-internet : on each of the ice crushers, there's a US patent number ; by giving those references to Google Patents, we find back the original technical drawings! I'm a real Chrome-Adict... I can't take my eyes off of these...
Posted in : Fifties Stuff
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