Posted on 17/05/2007 at 20:21

Bye bye Leone...

OK, you're allowed to laugh at me if you want, but here is a news that sadden me...
The disappearance of Leone, a 2m60 female lemon shark, which was a regular visitor of shark feeding sessions in Moorea for the past 15 years.
It was a beautiful animal, very calm (well, kids, don't try this at home, Nico on the video know very well sharkies, for years...), with a very sharp smile icone smiley wink, that I met several times... What a feeling the first time I met her, when it crushed a frozen tuna fish head just a few centimeters above my mask, with that loud sound I'll never forget...

Yep, I had some kind of tenderness for this beast. Bye bye Leone...
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