Posted on 22/11/2010 at 13:47

130.000 Hits!

130.000 hits on ShamWerks since it has opened! The perfect excuse for another traditional pin-up...icone smiley wink

This one comes from the very talented pen of Romain Hugault (his blog here), who has just release (in association with Laurent Negroni) the second volume of his "Pin-Up Wings"!

Pin-Up Wings is an art book mixing pin-ups and warbirds : what more would you want?!
Very well documented (both illustrators are actual pilots!), beautiful and detailed planes, along with some feminine high-heeled curvature... I, personnaly, don't need anything else, this book was on my shelves as soon as it was released! icone smiley laugh

I highly recommend you buy this one before it's out of stock, and becomes an overpriced collectible! The book is available here or there. Have a look at the same time as the book series "Le Grand Duc" from the same author, from which volume three will be available in two days...

Anything else?
Lots of backstage work on ShamWerks, to fix technical issues, broken links, pictures you couldn't enlarge any more, I also installed a new diaporama-like script for an enhanced navigation experience on the site... I know it doesn't look like, but I've worked a lot!

Coming soon, a worklog of the progress on the Albatross. Just to show it is actually progressing - and probably turn the worklog into a nice article in the end. That will help me providing more regular updates...

OK, 'nuff said , Sierra Hotel Alpha Mike, over and out, have a nice flight!
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Posted on 20/07/2010 at 17:58

120.000 Hits Pinup

120.000 Hits on ShamWerks, so in order to respect the tradition, here is the ritual pinup!

As usual, many thanks to all of you for your loyalty, I know ShamWerks has its own small clientele of regular customers, coming back to the bar...icone smiley wink

Today's pinup is not only a sexy girl in a nurse outfit...
You probably already have seen this image. It's a picture I like a lot, not only because of the high-heels and fully fashioned/seamed stockings (don't judge me! icone smiley laugh), but more for the symbol it represents...

That kiss was shot on Time Square (New York) by Alfred Eisenstaedt on August 15, 1945 : on that very day, Japan surrendered without conditions (cf. previous article), ending the 6 long years of conflict of World War II.
This picture, published by Life Magazine, became the icon of the "VJ Day" (Victory over Japan), and of the resulting jubilation people felt that day. You may want to read on Wikipedia the story of this picture...

I didn't choose this pic randomly : first, in a bit over 3 weeks from now will the celebrated the 65th birthday of the VJ Day.
But moreover, this is a small tribute to Edith Shain, the nurse on the picture, who passed away last month; she was 91yo. ... RIP.
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Posted on 12/11/2009 at 23:40

100.000 Hits : Chris Sanders Tribute!


100.000 Hits on ShamWerks since its opening in October 1998... Well, OK, 100.000 hits in 11 years of presence on the Interweb, that's not that much. icone smiley wink
But hey! That's a milestone anyway!

To celebrate that, 2 pin-ups, this time out of the magic pencil of Chris Sanders. His name doesn't ring a bell? He's the creator of Lilo et Stitch, of which I'm kind of fan!
The Pin-ups are extracts from his sketchbooks (limited editions, signed the author, of which I'm a proud owner!)
Read Kiskaloo, kinda Calvin & Hobbes with a creepy touch... And pin-ups. icone smiley laugh

By the way, go have a look at the latest DreamWorks production : How to train your Dragon, realisation by Chris Sanders!

That probably explains the likeness between Stitch and that Dragon... On screens for Spring 2010!

That's all for today... Thanks to all of you for your regular visits, messages...See ya!
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Posted on 22/07/2009 at 14:00


90.000 visitors!

It's a bit late that I finally post the ritual pin-up for the 10K milestone, once again one from Gil Elvgren...
90.000? Wow, the next one will be a big step!

As usual, thanks to all of you for your visits, ShamWerks is very far from the hit scores of the majors blogs, but anyway, it has its used customers!

As usual again, sorry for the lack of updates on this site...

And as usual once more, I'll tell you I prefer write complete, useful, documented articles, instead of a single picture stolen from an other web site, without even a small comment... That's the way I do it, sorry for those who do not appreciate.

Talking about article, get ready for some wood working on ShamWerks in the next few weeks... Some botanics as well, as well as some Japanese culture... I won't tell you more, I have a bunch of pictures of recent realizations I'm preparing backstage. icone smiley wink

Thanks again for your visits, support messages, donations on my bank account in Switzerland, comments... Thanks to all of you guys, I do appreciate!
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Posted on 12/01/2009 at 11:52

80.000 Hits... Happy New Year 2009!

10 times! This is the tenth time I wish you all, a Happy New Year on my website! Wow! icone smiley wink

So, Excellent New Year 2009 to you, my dearest anonymous visitor. May this year bring you...
Well, hmm...
Let's say a good health, a roof on your head and enough to eat, that's already a lot with things as they are.
And if this year allows us to play a little bit with old, greasy toys and/or do some travels, well, that would be a very good year ; let's first try to keep it going that way till 2010, right?! icone smiley laugh

I would like to use that post as well to celebrate my 80.000th visitor! Thanks a lot, as usual, to all of you guys (and girls!), for your loyalty and little, friendly messages...
I know, ShamWerks could be more active, but I must admit that the current freezing-cold winter down here in France has somewhat cooled down my creativity... Beside, I do not have a lack of projects! OK, thy will be my good resolution for 2K9 : make my projects move forward, and stop waiting!

As goes the tradition, here's a pin-up to celebrate the new level reached by the hit-o-meter. But not just any pin up : Bettie Page herself, the world class pin up and burlesque icon...
Who has left us to shoot pictures under new skies last month, at the age of 85.

Bye Bettie.
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