Posted on 02/01/2007 at 13:50

Happy new year 2007!

Here it is, one more year is over... I wish a very Happy New year to all of you!

On my side, I'm pretty happy this year is over, a lot of bad things happened... But that's over!
Let's use this brand new year as a new start, making sure we keep otimistic!

The picture above is a photograph taken on September 15th by the Cassini-uygens probe... Actually, this is a mosaic of 165 pictures, taken over a 3 hours period, while the probe was in Saturn's shadow. So we can see, for the very first time, the ringed giant in back-light! (click the picture to see it full res... And to learn more, follow this link.)

Why such a picture to celebrate the beginning of the new year?
Have an accurate look on the left, near the first blurry ring, there's a bright spot... This is the Earth, as seen more than a billion kilometers away, which the probe left 9 years ago.

In one hand, it gives a giddiness feeling... In the other hand, it's a tremendous help relativizing our poor, small everyday concerns, isn't it? icone smiley wink
Everything's relative would say Albert... Enjoy this new year, don't let small issues demoralize you...

Once more, Happy New Year 2007 to all of you...
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