Here it is, one more year is over... I wish a very Happy New year to all of you!
On my side, I'm pretty happy this year is over, a lot of bad things happened... But that's over!
Let's use this brand new year as a new start, making sure we keep otimistic!
The picture above is a photograph taken on September 15th by the Cassini-uygens probe... Actually, this is a mosaic of 165 pictures, taken over a 3 hours period, while the probe was in Saturn's shadow. So we can see, for the very first time, the ringed giant in back-light! (click the picture to see it full res... And to learn more, follow this link.)
Why such a picture to celebrate the beginning of the new year? Have an accurate look on the left, near the first blurry ring, there's a bright spot... This is the Earth, as seen more than a billion kilometers away, which the probe left 9 years ago.
In one hand, it gives a giddiness feeling... In the other hand, it's a tremendous help relativizing our poor, small everyday concerns, isn't it? Everything's relative would say Albert... Enjoy this new year, don't let small issues demoralize you...