Sounds logical : after the creation of the mineral part of the paludarium, followed by the implantation of the vegetable life form... It was necessary to bring some animal life to this micro-world! Well, in addition to the snails already present, against my willingness...
So, this is a Betta, named Bettadyne, which came in!
Four shrimps (Cardina Japonica, to be confirmed) keep company to Bettadyne; I expect those detritivores to clean the bottom of the tank from any vegetable debris... The size of those babies (15mm) avoid the Betta's fins from being attacked, as the 4 Samuraïs are pretty scared by the Fighter Fish!
As you can see on the middle picture, one of the helexines died ; I'll replace it with a Boston Fern later (Nephrolepis Bostoniensis), which I already used in my first tank, and does really well...