Posted on 26/03/2011 at 02:05

Workshop : Welcome to the Garage!

Not so long ago, I sent an SOS, looking for a garage/workshop where I could finally work on my vehicles...
I got a handful of answers back (many thanks to all of you, you know who you are!), but nothing really matched : either small and expensive, or way too far from my place...
So, well... I lowered my expectations, trying to cope with what I have, till the day I'll probably leave the Riviera to go somewhere you don't have to sell your organs to buy a square meter of garage (I do love my region, but boy-oh-boy, it has just turned ridiculous on that aspect).
Additionally, I must say that watching Fabbe restoring his Oval-window in a shoe-box sized garage (full respect, Boss!), helped my putting things in perspective...

In conclusion, I've decided to renovate my current garage, in which I've been working for 15 years now... New paint, optimisation, cleaning, selling/giving/throwing away uneeded stuff, new tools, invasion of a part of my father's garage to store parts... I'll show you as well what I came up with last winter, to work at home comfy.
Anyway, the situation is far from ideal, but it gives me back some motivation, I really couldn't keep going that way. icone smiley wink

So, here you are : a brand new section "workshop" begins on ShamWerks : Welcome to the Garage!
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