Posted on 20/01/2007 at 12:56

Thanks Firmin

Sometimes, you can find some pages over the Internet that feels different... Those ones are pretty far from the usual stuff on ShamWerks, but are definitely worth seeing.

So, I found by chance Firmin's Blog (Oh, sorry you english reader, it's available in French only... icone smiley sad). The video below could be its trailer... And this is the only picture you'll ever find at Firmin's, no photographs nor videos at Firmin's. Text only. But what a text...

Firmin is 84 years old. It's his grand child, 25 years old, who helps him putting online his thoughts, trying to "sow seeds for the life to carry on". There's beautiful stories over the Internet...

Thanks Firmin... I'll have dropped more than a tear reading you.
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