Posted on 27/10/2006 at 16:49

Sham is back online : v4.0!

Welcome !

The last real update of my site was made in late 2003... Since then, no real update happened on Da Sham's Webpage. Due to personal and professional issues, other priorities... And some laziness, I must admit!icone smiley wink
But that's over, and the site changes its name!
Let's do some online archeology :

  • My first steps on the Web occur in '96 with a site named "Good Morning Net'naaaaam", hosted by Geocities... Which disappeared a long time ago, which is all but a big loss, believe me. (Edit 2016-05-23 : Actually, there's still a trace of it at!)
  • October 1998, I give birth to "Da Sham's Webpage", the v1.0 being hosted at Citeweb, until late 1999.
  • January 1st 2001 appears the v2.0, on a new hosting site ; Free (God bless the freebox). The V.3.0 will appear on June 2003...
  • 2006, 10 years after my first appearance online (er... I'm getting old!), here is the v4.0, and to celebrate this event, it even has it's own domain name : welcome on!

Gosh... 10 years online, sounds scary no?? icone smiley laugh
This new version is made to be more dynamic, interactive... The ADSL having killed the RTC (56K R.I.P...), I can afford some heavier graphic content, nicer pictures ; 800x600 screens being rare today, I leave the old 760px wide design for 977px : sorry for the webdesign's purists, it was way to tight! icone smiley wink

Technically, the site has been developed in PHP over a MySQL database... No typepad, no WordPress, no DotClear, everything has been done by hand! It may look like a strange choice, but it gives me more control and flexibility on what I'm doing, playing with some technologies (URL rewriting, GD, RSS, etc.)... Yes, being software developer helps a lot. icone smiley wink

There's many more to come soon : stay tuned!
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