Posted on 06/10/2011 at 11:53

Bubul : Plans!

I can't remember how many times I've been asked for the plans of my RC submarine... But the trick is, I never made any plans!
But I finally decided to make some, so after some efforts with a caliper on one hand, andSketchup in the other, here is the result!(and it was a good challenge for my Sketchup skills! icone smiley wink)
The synthetic plan is available as pictures below, you can as well download it as PDF, or even download the complete Sketchup model, everything is designed down to the 1/10th of millimeter! icone smiley laugh
Did I ever mention I really really like Sketchup? icone smiley laugh

Edit 2014/03/21 : Bonus, an interactive 3D view! icone smiley laugh
Posted in : USS Bubul 59
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Posted on 22/11/2010 at 13:46

The 50's in the US... or not?

I so, so love those old pictures from the US during the 50's... But these...
Not only these were taken nowadays, but moreover, they actually are 1/24th scale models!
They're made by Michael Paul Smith, whose working process you can see here. Quite impressive... More pictures to see on his Flickr and SmugMug sets.

via Neatorama (pictures from the above setup are available here :1, 2, 3, 4)
Posted in : R/C Modeling
Displayed 84094 times.
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Posted on 26/11/2006 at 12:26

Pierre Scerri

I'm surfing the Internet for 10 years... Being fond of R/C modeling, and more generally of D.I.Y stuff, I've seen web pages about more or less skilled handymen. Sometimes, you even find a higly skilled one, doing great job...

But, here, this is nothing but exceptional.

This no more a hobby or a passion (unless in the etymological sense) : Pierre Scerri builds 1/3 scaled replicas of Sport-Proto Ferrari.

But this is not only about building nice models... No, he is building EVERYTHING in 1/3 scale, and everything is functional! Obviously the engine (flat 12 cylinders), but the gearbox, headlights, gauges!
He didn't konw where to find the corresponding tires : easy, he learned the building process of real ones and creates a mould!
Headlight? He learned about glass working and make his owns...
He builds absolutely everything : the crankshaft, the 4 camshafts, the injection system, radiators, engine case, cylinders heads...
Do not miss the videos...

12 years of work were necessary to make the Ferrari 312PB 1978, from which 3 years only to draw the plans and schemas. Such a level of perfection is almost scary to me...
And you know what? This guy is French! Sorry, you american visitor, we did better than your scaled V8...

Congratulations M.Scerri, it will be highly difficult to do better than you now. I still can't even believe it myself...
Posted in : R/C Modeling
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Posted on 23/09/2006 at 01:55

Pegomas 2001

RC Submarines meeting in Pégomas, 2001 edition
Click to see pictures full size!
Posted in : R/C Modeling
Displayed 88943 times.
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Posted on 23/09/2006 at 01:48

Pegomas 2000

RC Submarines meeting in Pégomas, 2000 edition, on September 16th and 17th
Everything occurred in Pegomas, in a beautiful place!

End of the week-end... See you next year! icone smiley wink
Posted in : R/C Modeling
Displayed 86309 times.
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