Posted on 23/03/2007 at 00:58

Pantone in 1949...

On the VW forums, and more generally on any forum about mechanics, there's a topic which comes around on a regular basis : the Pantone ngine, a.k.a "water engine" or water injection engine.
At the end of the day, it's more or less like the Loch Ness monster : everybody has heard of it, or knows the neighbor - of - a - cousin - of - a - mate - of - a - friend who made it, and it worked. But in fact, very few have actually seen one of those. icone smiley laugh

Anyway : here is a gem dating from 1949 :

This is an add, scanned out from a HotRod Magazine (June 1949 issue), promoting the virtues of water injection in the carburetor.
It doesn't bring any actual answer, but proves that the idea is pretty old! icone smiley wink

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