Posted on 30/01/2018 at 23:08

Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year 2018... Bonne Année 2018... Feliz Año Nuevo 2018... Buon Ano 2018... Gutes Neues Jahr 2018... Matahiti Api 2018...

As tradition goes, now's the time to wish y'all a Fantastic New Year 2018! (better late than never hmm?)
So, as usual, may you be healthy, happy, wealthy, oh-but-you-know,as-long-as-you're-healthy, etc.

And as per the tradition as well, it's time to do a short review of the year past, and of the projects to come in the future, reminding us that time goes by...

You may have noticed that ShamWerks has been a bit slow on updates recently. Well, it's kind of a transition period for me, there's a lot going on backstage...


As expected, and without an ounce of surprise, raising a lil' baby is a pretty time-consuming endeavor!

As a result, I have less spare time to tinker around. But alledgedly, it should get better a few months from now! icone smiley wink

And to be honest, how could you not melt in front of this smile? icone smiley laughicone smiley laughicone smiley laugh

(Whaaaaaaaaat? My son is the most beautiful baby in the world, I'm just stating an obvious, scientific fact)

Jack has hit the road...

My father, Jacques, passed away on November 17th, aged 90.

He died peacefully, in his sleep, at home, while keeping his wits about him until the last day (and also while chainsmoking a pack a day...) : in the end, not the worst way to go. icone smiley meh

Our relationship was complicated, and as he was bed-ridden for the past few years following a stroke, I had a lot to deal with taking care of him...

In any case, he leaves a big void behind him, and not only because he was 1.94m tall. (that's 6ft 4" for you yankees).
He returned to the sea he loved so much... With his departure, I'm turning over a new leaf, and it's not an easy one to turn.

Good bye "le Père", have a safe journey... icone smiley sad


Direct consequence of the previous information : my garages were electrically powered through my father's apartment, since he lived in the same building.
With his passing, the lighting in my workshop is no more... And I'm too old to tinker around with a headlamp.

I could go through the administrative procedure to get a proper power outlet installed, but it's a lot of paperwork (and a good chunck of money, too!).
There's a new law in France, which favours access to power outlets for electric vehicles, but it's still a hassle to set up...

Long story short, all projects in the shop are at a dead stop until further notice.
But all this could change thanks to...

A real estate project!

I plan to buy a house, which boasts a really nice worshop!

Nothing final yet, and it'll take some time to sort out.

If it doesn't work out, I'll go back to the "garage power outlet installation" option.

But if it does, you can expect a whole lot of "workshop" articles for sure!

Job swap

Yeah, why not... Let's change all the things, amirite?? icone smiley laugh

So I'm changing jobs : new challenges, new exciting context, some travelling to be expected... Hoping I've made the right decision! icone smiley wink

It's gonna take a lot of work and energy, but I'll keep moving forward! #keepHustling

In Conclusion

The first thing is that unfortunately, in the short term, updates on ShamWerks will probably be thin on the ground.

But the positive counterpart is that if everything goes as planned, 2018 could be the starting point of many new articles! (including a collaboration... More on that later)

Anyway, that's it for now! Let's begin a new trip around the sun on our little rock, have a safe trip everyone! icone smiley wink
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