Posted on 05/12/2007 at 19:30

Roads? Where we're going, we don't need... roads.

Here is the UFO I met a few days ago, 2 streets from my place...

That was the very first time I saw a real one, I even made a sharp U-turn to park my car and shoot a few pictures of this beauty! Sorry for the poor quality of the pics, I only had my mobile phone...

Come on, I'm sure you recognized it...

A DMC12 DeLorean!

You may think it's gray; but actually, it's unpainted, uncoated brushed stainless stell!
I looked for more information on this model (have a look at its history on Wikipedia, it's really worth reading!), I learnt it's only been built from 1981 to 1983, in Ireland ; 7.000 models or so still exist today. Designed by Giugiaro, fitted with airbags, shock-absorbing bumpers, it was designed to be environment friendly and security oriented... Sounds very 2007, right? icone smiley wink

Looking for info, I found on the Net Stainless Wings, the French DeLorean Association. With a very active forum on which even found the owner of the DeLorean I shot!

Aaaah, it must be great to cruise with it... On the highway... at 88 miles an hour. icone smiley laugh
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