Posted on 29/10/2010 at 15:28

Albatross : vintage waterskiing video

Here's a gem I found on the brilliant website British Pathé... A 3 minutes long video about water-skiing in England, in July 1955!
Even more than by the vintage swimsuits dressed pinups, I'm interested by the boat used in that video : an Albatross Sport, just like mine!

Extract from commentary : "The comparatively modern sport of water skiing [...] started in the luxury resorts of the French Riviera, taken out on the wide open water spaces of Australia and America, this exhilarating sport has reach Britain.".

As a matter of fact, water-skiing started around 1920, in Juan-les-Pins. Which is, basically, down the street where I live! icone smiley wink

Extract from commentary : "The boats used are especially made for the sport and cost 500£ each. They are powered by only 10 horses power motor engines, yet they are the fastest crafts of their type of float.".

About the announced price of 500£ : it originally sounded quite low to me, but the National Archives currency converter reckons it would correspond to 8710£ nowadays, i.e. around 10.000€!

Finally, the so glamour touch : noticed the blond water-skier at the beginning of the video? Her look doesn't ring a bell?

It probably isn't a coincidence, since Marylin Monroe was then at the top of her career, her movie "The Seven Year Itch" (with the famous scene of the white dress over a subway grate) being released in June '55, just the month before this video was shot!
Posted in : 1959 Albatross
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