Posted on 30/08/2017 at 23:27

500.000 hits

500.000 visites!
One glance to the odometer :
Half a million visitors came ome this website! Champagne!! icone smiley smile
In July 2000 we celebrated the 5000th visitor... Damn, we did ride a long way since then! icone smiley laugh

One glance in the rear view mirror :
ShamWerks as of today, it's 19 years of online presence, 317 posts, 95% of which translated to english, over 450 comments by visitors, and over 5000 pictures!

Both hands on the steering wheel :
Even though probably no one noticed, there's been quite a lot of evolutions on the site, to make it faster, and up-to-date with the technical state-of-the-art. In particular, ShamWerks is now mobile-friendly (say "responsive" if you wanna look fancy), so you can read it on your smartphone or tablet! (I had to go through over 300 posts to make sure it was bulletproof...).

Eyes on the road :
Right now, I have over 20 articles being written, and quite a lot of ideas for future projects. Well, let's be honest, probably way more projets than I have spare time for... But anyway, expect some heavy stuff soon! icone smiley smile

In July 1999, we barely reached the 2000th visitor ; it took 17 years to reach this half million milestone... But if I follow the current trend, see you in Summer 2024 for the 1.000.000th visitor party! icone smiley laugh
As usual, thanks to all of you for your interest, I know many of you are long time followers. Have a good trip!

Crédit photo : Sherif Mokbel
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