Posted on 07/12/2006 at 23:43

My first visit to Küby...

I was thinking about buying a 181 (you englih people call it a "Thing", right?) for a while... Without really looking for one, but the idea of a 5 seats convertible, to cruise during the summer, going to my job with the wind in my hair, the windshield being folded down on the front hood, was very seductive to me!

I finally found Küby on eBay, a few dozen of kilometer away from home. March 18th 2004, I go in le Var with my friend Laurent...

The Thing is being sold by a vintage cars enthusiast, but Küby is a bit... "Neither done nor to be done".

It's in primer, but not painted ; the engine runs, but not smoothly... I could drive it, but the brakes and tires are dead for a long time...
Unfortunately, and I'll discover it much later, some body parts have been "repaired" using fiberglass...
Obviously, there's no top... The top chassis is there, but it's a bit bent... Plus the front rail is over-rusted! That's an usual problem on Things, humidity accumulates inside this cavity, and here is the result 30 years later :
The interior is not complete, and looks like a "patchwork"... I'll have to look for a lot of parts...
Well, OK. Obviously, Küby is not in a very good shape! icone smiley wink
But anyway, I don't want to do a full restoration on it, nor a Best of Show, but just a good cleaning, to have a funny convertible for next summer...

So, this is not the best deal ever, (1800 euros for the base), but I take the Thing... I gotta expect lots of work to do! icone smiley laugh
Posted in : 1970 VW Thing
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