Posted on 11/11/2011 at 14:58

160.000 hits Pin-Up

160.000 hits on ShamWerks!

I'm a bit late with this pin-up... Last but not least, since she's none other than the legendary Marylin!

I must admit she's not my favourite though she's an icon of the 60's.
And The Huffington Post has just published a series of pictures of the gorgeous blondie : a set of more personnal photographs, less paste'n'glamourous, including crutches and a broken ankle : far from the white dress blown up by a subway vent...
*I* actually prefer these. icone smiley wink

Many thanks to all of you for your visits / critics / messages / financial support (hey, I can dream uh??), see you soon on ShamWerks!

By the way, a nudge in the right direction to the website, launched by a friend o'mine (thanks for your help buddy!).

Sophiality, is a bilingual classified ads website for people in the Sophia-Antipolis area, sort of a local english-friendly LeBonCoin. Keep an eye on this one!! icone smiley wink

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