130.000 hits on ShamWerks since it has opened! The perfect excuse for another traditional pin-up...
This one comes from the very talented pen of Romain Hugault (his blog here), who has just release (in association with Laurent Negroni) the second volume of his "Pin-Up Wings"!
Pin-Up Wings is an art book mixing pin-ups and warbirds : what more would you want?!
Very well documented (both illustrators are actual pilots!), beautiful and detailed planes, along with some feminine high-heeled curvature... I, personnaly, don't need anything else, this book was on my shelves as soon as it was released!
I highly recommend you buy this one before it's out of stock, and becomes an overpriced collectible! The book is available here or there. Have a look at the same time as the book series "Le Grand Duc" from the same author, from which volume three will be available in two days...
Anything else?
Lots of backstage work on ShamWerks, to fix technical issues, broken links, pictures you couldn't enlarge any more, I also installed a new diaporama-like script for an enhanced navigation experience on the site... I know it doesn't look like, but I've worked a lot!
Coming soon, a worklog of the progress on the Albatross. Just to show it is actually progressing - and probably turn the worklog into a nice article in the end. That will help me providing more regular updates...
OK, 'nuff said , Sierra Hotel Alpha Mike, over and out, have a nice flight!