Added new words into the "Diko Ninfo" (always only in French!):'broadcaster' (thanks Yannick), 'antialiasing', 'BIOS' (How couldn't I think about this one before??) 'overdrive' and 'préemptif'. Update of 'cluster' and 'flasher'.
Update of the look of the site : funny dots arround your mouse, cascading style sheet menu, brand new logo "Da Sham's Web Page"... Looks better like that, hu? :)
Update of the Bubul page: finally photographs of my orientation system of the motors. New link in links page: a very complete Spanish site of model links (more than 650 links!): MNY. This site is in bad French, bad English and good Spanish. :)
I have almost been able to make rebound the bubbles of the first page... This is not perfect, but the effect is cool! All the site is now in "Verdana" font, more readable in my own opinion. I have well advance on Bubul (the engines are directed, it works!), but I do not have any pictures yet...
Some new stuff on the Bubul's page, the motors holders are done. New stuff also on my beetle,
I've started to put it higher (it was really to low). At least, new presentation of the first page (animate)...