Posted on 24/02/2002 at 12:00

News on 2002-02-24

Quite a small update today... A lot of "clean up", of lay-out. I have changed the look of this page and the "Who's Sham?".
I'll try to upgrade the whole site to CSS technology for enhanced compatibility inter-OS and inter-Browsers. A lot of work, this site starts being huge!
I've added quite a small page in the Lambretta section : Retromobile 2002, featuring a few pictures from this event.
Some advertisement for a web site I like very much : Karine Lima's web site, who's working for the french TV channel M6.
Thank you Karine for your kindness and your energy!

I also cleaned up the "links" page, as some people told me it featured dead links! icone smiley wink
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