Posted on 20/11/2006 at 00:30

Hawaïan Palm

Just to change from subject a little bit, here is some botanics on (which will probably please Olive and Oliv')...
So, this is an Hawaïan Palm my girlfriend offered me in June. Sad day unfortunately, as I've been informed my aunt passed away as we were paying at the Vilmorin's cash register...
Anyway, we loved the funny face of this plant, with it's shiny green leaves, looking straight out of Jurassic Park...
Searching a little bit over the internet about it, I learned that the Hawaiian Palm (also known as Vulcan Palm) was a very old species, endemic from Hawaii. Getting more and more rare in nature, mostly because its natural environment is being destroyed by human activities, and being threaten of extinction (we estimate there's only 7 of those left in nature on the Kaua'I island!), a group of scientists has launch a replanting campaign. And to get money for such a work, a percentage of the sale price of each Hawaïan Palm in the world is given to them... Good spirit.
I've tried to give the plant the correct conditions, and surprise! The winter reward : it has made flowers, beautiful big vanilla-colored flowers, with very thick and rigid petals! Even those flowers look Jurassic (or pre-Cambrian, or Cretaceous, or Carboniferous, choose one / pick one)...
Small things make me happy, sometimes... icone smiley wink
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Posted on 19/11/2006 at 23:04

I re-broadcast here an information found on the excellent blog of Teddy (I pass there at least once a day!). This is the address of a Canadian site proposing custom chromed badges very old school, to put the final touch on your HotRod, Kustom or... VW. Looks like the ShamWerks logo, right?
Quality is above perfection, the only drawback being... Pricing (sic). But well, everything has a cost, and this is the killing touch on your vintage car... I'll have a serious think 'bout that!

Edit 20090908 : Looks like this site has closed... That's a pity, I liked the idea...
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