Just a quick link today... 'Cuz I love those vintage posters/shop signs (hence my post about NYC), here's a little web site that generates any text you enter using extracts from Flickr.
You can choose a specific picture for each of your letters to match the look you like...
From time to time, you can find over the Internet one of those jewels, one of those web site that makes you forget the time, and pushes you to visit each and every of its pages. Shorpy is definitely one of those.
Shorpy, subtitles "the 100-year-old photo blog", gathers hundreds of old pictures (from 1839 to 1969, more or less), of a very good quality and in a high resolution. Have a special look to the categories Cars and Trucks, as well as Aviation... A real journey though time, snapshots of another era!
You'll find treasures like Joy Ride (1924), Innerwing Inspectors (1942), Pike's Peak Champion (1920, ci-dessus), Road Locomotive (1920), Ice cream everyday (1920)...
Do you remember those wooden dummies used during your drawing lessons? Look, I've found way better than them...
Well, for beautiful mechanics enthusiasts, at least.
So, here is the ZoHo ArtForm 01!
Not less than 43cm high, 6kg of bronze and stainless steel, all hand-made... 920 parts, 101 of which for each hand! And 85 mobile parts...
A great piece of engineering -and that's a soft euphemism- reproducing (almost) all the human body's articulations...
That's a must-see, and it's on Zoho.nl...
Via the excellent [Craftmanship Museum], which I stress you to read as well...
I can't stress you enough to pass by the MotoArt website, yet more furniture based upon aircraft parts; I do want such a desk! (and a seat, as well...)
Don't miss their 2008 catalog (PDF format)... Nor their photo gallery, where you'll see step by step pictures of the realisation of each of their masterpieces, from it's removal from the original aircraft to its delivery at customer's place!
I dunno for you, but I know what I'll ask Santa Claus for next December... Well, if he wins the lottery by then.
Yet another link to a great site... Plan59.com, "the museum of mid-century illustration" : hell of a program!
The most difficult part have been to choose 2 of those vintage illustration to make this article, there's so many great pictures!
Here's a short selection :
... I give up, there's too many of these!
So, a bunch of 40's-70's US adverts-like vintage pictures... Pure gold mine to me!
I don't know for you, but I directly go back to this site... Enjoy!