Posted on 17/05/2007 at 21:18

I'm originally not that fond of Harleys, apart from some rare exceptions...

And here is one of those exceptions, and not the least : Fred "Krugger" Bertrand (looks like his site is down currently), in Belgium, prepares HD/Buell based monsters, from which I love the neo-retro, or even fully vintage (yet high-tech!), style...
Go have a look at his gallery, especially his latest realization, a "Bonneville Lakester" monster, a pure engineering marvel...

By the way, yet another feature, for the excellent French magazine "Kustom Garage", which uses as a cover the latest creation from Krugger. Great lay-out, superb pictures, very well-written... If you've got any chance to read it, don't miss it!
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