Posted on 03/01/2007 at 00:25

Desktop lamp the Fifties way...

Just a few pictures of my latest realisation...

I had those two headlights getting dusty on a rack for a longtime...

Then I got inspired, and putting together some spare parts I had under my bench, I built this lamp within an hour... And I'm kind of proud of it! icone smiley laugh

The chromed base has been hacked from a lamp I wasn't using for years... The switch on the bigger headlight is functionnal, selecting high/low beam... A 6 volts transformer behind, and here we are!

I still have to finalize it, adding a general switch, cleaning the cabling stuff... Maybe replacing the smaller light with a chromed one, or even polish this aluminium one...

But it's already on my desk, and I like it a lot... Nice, uh?

Click on all of the 4 pictures to see them full size...
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