Posted on 30/06/2007 at 21:31

1957 - 2007 : The unveiling...

I already told you about this extraordinary story of a Plymouth Belvédère, buried in Tulsa (Oklahoma), in 1957...
Here it is, she's been unearthed. And... Well, pictures will tell more than words.

First observation : in 50 years, we've done a lot of progress regarding insulation ; the concrete coffin got filled up by water, everything's rusted... And the fake enthusiasm of Boyd Coddington (by the way, have a look at American Hot-Rod), co-presenter of the televised party organized for the car's unveiling, won't be enough to forget the sour deception of all vintage cars enthusiasts worldwide...

Wanna know more? :
Unfortunately, I could have guessed it folks...
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