Posted on 10/05/2007 at 02:03

Moulinex Sixties

Let's give back to Caesar what belongs to him : it's my girlfriend who found this beauty... Her GrandMother's sixties meat grinder, shamefully abandoned for years in a closet... I know, I've got a weird sense of beauty, but I love this object... icone smiley laugh
Posted in : Fifties Stuff
Displayed 71295 times.
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Posted on 10/05/2007 at 01:01


I told you recently about that... Here is a first article of a new section : Fifties Stuff!

You probably noticed (if not, please see an ophthalmologist) that I'm a true Fifties-Sixties/ streamline design enthusiast. As time goes, my collection grows, and now I've got a pretty nice collection of vintage object decorating my interior... Some ideas you might find useful, if you like this style as well!

So, to start, here is a pair of Ice-O-Mat, ice crusher devices : you just put ice cubes in the top compartment, turn the handle, and voila ; clockwise to make fine ice, counter clockwise to make coarse ice ("F" and "C" are written above the handle).
Not only this helps you making the best Mojito you've ever drink, but their look is so vintage! And guess what, you can find them at very affordable prices on eBay US. The standard models are pretty usual to find, while the "luxe" ones (chrome platted, like mines) are less easy to find. But patience helps...
At last, they ll are equipped with a wall mount : ideal in a kitchen, right? icone smiley wink

Funny detail, marvel of the all-on-the-internet : on each of the ice crushers, there's a US patent number ; by giving those references to Google Patents, we find back the original technical drawings! I'm a real Chrome-Adict... I can't take my eyes off of these...
Posted in : Fifties Stuff
Displayed 70330 times.
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Posted on 20/04/2007 at 15:55

Den of iniquity

What the f***!? I've just discovered my (ex-)Lambretta, which now has a peaceful (or supposed so) life in Paris... Hanging around in some dens of iniquity! icone smiley laughicone smiley laugh

Many thanks to Pierre (whose superb orange GTR is in the background) for letting me publish his photo here! icone smiley wink
All the pictures of this meeting of the Tontons Scooteurs can be seen by clicking on the above picture...

A though to my mate Flo, who lives just a few meters from the place where this picture was shot...
Posted in : 1956 Lambretta
Displayed 96176 times.
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Posted on 18/04/2007 at 19:03

Back in time...

Juan les Pins, 60's...
Everything has changed, and at the same time, everything's the same.
In the end, only the girls have really changed, leaving the class and sexy fashion from the sixties for the disgusting flesh and silicon market of the 3rd millenium... Times change!
To listen while looking at this picture : Dany Logan, "Mon cœur à Juan les Pins"...

Edit 18/04/2007 :
Till now I only had a partiel scan of this photo... I come back today on this picture (original article from 2006/09/30), as I finally found the original post card (thanks to eBay, as usual!)!

The card has been send on August 20th 1967. Dauphine and DS populated the streets, a big "Fly TWA" sign was above the Crystal... The GrandMarnier on the left still exists, as well as the LunaPark on its right side, which has became a place full of noisy, blinking arcade games... I imagine that by that time, it was full of Flippers!
Posted in : Juan-les-Pins
Displayed 108298 times.
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Posted on 03/04/2007 at 13:51

DKW RT125 Handbook

Yet another manual on ShamWerks!

Technical data about the DKW/IFA RT125 being pretty hard to find (part from German stuff), I put online today a DKW RT 125 Care manual (date unknown, between 54 and 57)... Plus, it's in french! (Sorry, you English-speaking reader! icone smiley wink)

This is another discovery made on eBay... That I scan for you today, hopefully it could be useful to some others! (drop me a line if so!)
You can download the full manual at once as a Zip archive here : [download manual] (12 pages 990x706, 5.6Mo).
Posted in : 1954 IFA
Displayed 114597 times.
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